John is running The Robin Hood Mini Marathon on Sunday 29th September 2024
John is a waiter friend of Paul & Laura’s in our favourite Thai restaurant called, “Sanchans” in Beeston, Nottingham. Personally we recommend the Green Thai curry. John is running in The Robin Hood Mini Marathon on Sunday 29th September 2024. He is raising funds for us which we are truly grateful for as it helps us to help more people.
If you want to send a cheque or postal order please send it made payable to, “Break the Chains CIO” to the following address: Break The Chains CIO, Woven St Margaret’s office, Aspley Lane, Nottingham, NG8 5GE.
You can send it direct to our bank account in the name of “Break the Chains CIO”, Sort Code: 82-11-07, Account Number: 20550555
You can give by card donation by clicking the button below:
Thank you for all your support.
Paul, Laura, Colin (Chair of Trustees), Roger (Trustee), Seun (Trustee) Jonathan (Treasurer and Trustee) and Emma (Secretary)